It has not been a problem eating the recommended serves of vegetables over the last week. I have had an absolutely bountiful harvest of fresh veggies from my backyard veggie patch. It feels good to enjoy the reward for all of the work I put into the garden over the past couple of months and I reckon that there is more to come. Here is my list:
Leeks have been a real discovery for me this year. I have finally cracked how to grow them and I have been picking them young and enjoying their mild sweet flavours.
The big red tomatoes have been coming on strong. All of the varieties were planted in early September and are almost finished. I also started to pick red, yellow and black cherries.
They have been producing for months now and this week is no exception. I expect that they are going to finish soon as the mildew takes over, which is OK because I have a second batch on the way.
Lebanese Cucumbers
Picking at least six a week at the moment. Just the right amount for us to handle in salads.
Sweet Corn
We ate a couple of meals of super sweet corn for dinner this week. Simply boiled then ate with butter and salt.
Bush Beans
I really enjoy young freshly picked bush beans - lightly cooked so they still are bright green and a bit crunchy.
Plenty of the fresh green leaves available this week.
Spring Onions
For salads and cooking.
A must-have for the Summer salad.Beetroot
Pulled a couple and baked them for dinner.
Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano and Parsley made it into a dish or two this week as well. I also was able to use the spuds and onions that are being stored in the cupboard.
So this is my harvest for the early Summer months. As the temperature climbs and the humidity kicks in I will have to cope with reduced volumes over the Summer period but there will always be something there to eat for dinner. That's the plan anyway.
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